Words. Analysis. Curiosity.
Give form to the chaos that is an artist's brain. Grappling. Dancing. Conflicting modalities of being. Eliminator of Chaos? No. More like, translator. Between worlds. Words become ideas. Ideas become strategy. Strategy becomes operationalized Programmatic work. Officer of the program. Programmer of the Resources. Resource the under-resourced. Convene the invisible. Give voice to those whose voices Have always been there; voices Who have been silenced, now, at last Heard. From out of another's Perceived chaos. Translate between worlds. Heard. Expressed. Seen. This was written in response to being asked to reflect on a conversation about arts education advocacy and to communicate that response in a creative way paired with this image of chaos theory to show the uncertainty of the COVID pandemic. (Image: A light source is affixed to the end of a double pendulum in a long-exposure shot, showing the chaotic path of its motion. Cristian V./Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons) |
AuthorI'm Kimberly. Single mother by choice. Now also wife. Holder of space. Maker of place. Mom. Mama. Mommy. Mitch. These are my thoughts, reflections, ideas and random observations about raising twin sons. Subscribe: click RSS icon
December 2021